Plan Your Visit

We meet on Sundays at 10AM. Our address is 929 Sutter St, Folsom, CA 95630. We are located inside Mind Garden. Free parking is available in the parking garage located on 931 Leideisdorff St. Street parking is also available by Mind Garden on Sutter St and Reading St. We offer a nursery for families with young children, though they are always welcome to participate in the worship service.

Our Mission:

Compelling weary people to join the celebration of grace.

What to Expect

Click on each tab to learn more about our worship service.

  • Worship is the natural response of a community that has experienced the life-changing grace of God through Jesus. On Sunday mornings, our worship follows a fourfold pattern that has guided the church for centuries. We gather, singing songs and speaking words of peace to each other. We hear from the Word, as we read scripture and listen to a gospel message. We are fed at the table, where we encounter God’s love in the bread and wine. And finally, we are sent with a blessing to go and be a blessing to our neighbors. We believe that worship is not contained to Sundays alone but is a lifelong response that people of every culture can express in many creative ways. Throughout the year, our worship is guided by the seasons of the Christian calendar, such as Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost.

  • Communion (also called The Lord’s Supper or Eucharist) is the family meal of Christians. As such, all who believe in the love and grace of Christ are invited and welcomed to receive Communion, including children. During the service, you will be invited to leave your row and form a line towards the table. You may interact with the baptism waters on your way to receive communion. When you reach the front, someone will offer you a small piece of bread to dip in a partitioned cup of wine (red) or grape juice (white) to eat as you make your way back to your seat.

  • If you are a visitor to River Rock, you are welcome to participate with no pressure to give. For those who are members, or those who would like to support the work God is doing through River Rock Church, you may give a donation with the passing of the basket, or online by clicking the button below. Your generosity directly supports our mission to share the gospel and provide care for our neighbors in need.

  • River Rock church is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America, grounded in the theological heritage of the Protestant Reformation. Although River Rock is relatively new, its beliefs and practices are well-established. We embrace the historic Christian faith expressed in the ecumenical creeds of the universal church: the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. Our church has a distinctly Reformed Accent and holds to three confessions: the Belgic Confessionthe Canons of Dort, and the Heidelberg Catechism.  


  • Rev. Josiah Gorter Lead Pastor

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  • Noel de Luna Associate Pastor

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  • Stephanie Cox Administrator

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    Genevieve Gorter Communications Director

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Mike Cox

Brian Kypta

Jeff Yu


Hayley Cox